
Dia 1
Dia 2
09:30 - 10:30
Room 1

Registration & Breakfast

Digital World Event Information

Carlos Tamayo
Presidente da Phronimos LCC (EUA)
Topázio Silveira Neto
Prefeito de Florianópolis, SC
Rogério Lins
Prefeito de Osasco, SP
Luciano Almeida
Prefeito de Piracicaba, SP
Jose Antonio Ondiviela
Diretor do Observatório WW para Cidades Atrativas e Assessor Sênior de Estratégia de Zaragoza
Gilmar Mendes
Ministro do Supremo Tribunal Federal
Gilberto Kassab
Secretário Estadual de Governo e Relações Institucionais do Estado de São Paulo
Elkin Velásquez
Diretor Regional para a América Latina e Caribe da ONU Habitat
Alfonso Vegara
Fundador e Presidente Honorário da Fundação Metropoli (Espanha)
Anderson Farias
Prefeito de São José dos Campos, SP

How you transform your business as technology, babits industry dynamics change? Find out from those leading the charge

11:00 - 11:30
Room 1

Reinventing Experiences

Anderson Farias
Prefeito de São José dos Campos, SP

How you transform your business as technology, babits industry dynamics change? Find out from those leading the charge

11:30 - 13:30
Room 1

Lunch Break

14:00 - 14:30
Room 1

Discussion: innovation and Technological Entrepreneurship

How you transform your business as technology, babits industry dynamics change? Find out from those leading the charge

Explorations Of New Approaches To Creative Leadership

Delfina Soares
Diretora Geral da Universidade das Nações Unidas - UNU-eGOV (Portugal)
Dário Saadi
Prefeito de Campinas, SP
Bruno Cunha Lima
Prefeito de Campina Grande, PB

How you transform your business as technology, babits industry dynamics change? Find out from those leading the charge

16:45 - 16:50


Gilmar Mendes
Ministro do Supremo Tribunal Federal


09:30 - 10:30
Room 1

Registration & Breakfast

Digital World Event Information

Bruno Cunha Lima
Prefeito de Campina Grande, PB
Arthur Henrique Brandão
Prefeito de Boa Vista - Roraima

How you transform your business as technology, babits industry dynamics change? Find out from those leading the charge

11:00 - 11:30
Room 1

Reinventing Experiences

Dário Saadi
Prefeito de Campinas, SP

How you transform your business as technology, babits industry dynamics change? Find out from those leading the charge

11:30 - 13:30
Room 1

Lunch Break

14:00 - 14:30
Room 1

Discussion: innovation and Technological Entrepreneurship

Anderson Farias
Prefeito de São José dos Campos, SP

How you transform your business as technology, babits industry dynamics change? Find out from those leading the charge

15:00 - 16:30
Room 1

Explorations Of New Approaches To Creative Leadership

Delfina Soares
Diretora Geral da Universidade das Nações Unidas - UNU-eGOV (Portugal)
Dário Saadi
Prefeito de Campinas, SP

How you transform your business as technology, babits industry dynamics change? Find out from those leading the charge

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